Book Review: “Unanswered Prayer” – By G.D. Buss

Unanswered Prayer – By G.D. Buss

Paperback; 60 pages;

Published by Gospel Standard Trust Publications.


The problem of unanswered prayer is one that has deeply tried God’s people in all ages, especially when they have truly felt blessed with a spirit of prayer.

This is a deep mystery.

Surprisingly, very little seems to have been written on this subject.

We feel that this little book by the Editor of the Friendly Companion is excellent.

Very graciously and spiritually he seeks to bring forward reasons why often our prayers are unanswered – and the book is enriched by many illustrations, taken, for instance, from the life of John Warburton and others.

The book is beautifully produced, perhaps the most attractive of Gospel Standard Trust Publications books so far.

We warmly commend Unanswered Prayer for old and young.

By B.A. Ramsbottom


The following treatise by Mr. G.D. Buss, pastor of the Old Baptist chapel at Chippenham, England, is sent forth in the prayerful hope that it may be of help to some of the Lord’s people who have to say with Jeremiah, “Also when I cry and shout, He shutteth out my prayer.”

It does not profess to give all the answers, but addresses several reasons why God does not answer such as: We do not need an answer; There is some secret evil God will not disregard; We do not ask in faith; Not asking for the right reasons; God’s time has not come; He has some better thing for us; and many others.

The God-given privilege of prayer can never be overestimated. However, many believers become discouraged because some of their prayers seem to go unanswered and as a result their faith in the Lord Jesus is sometimes tested.

The author, in seeking to address some of the difficulties that this trial of faith poses, exhorts and encourages the reader to pray on because the Lord does regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer (Psalm 102:17).

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