A Short Study of Mark 2:17

“They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
(Mark 2:17)

What brought that pitiful leper to the Lord Jesus Christ? What caused that poor woman with the issue of blood to crawl through that throng of people so that she might touch the hem of Christ’s garment? What caused Bartimaeus to “cry the more a great deal” when he was told to be quiet? What did all these folks have in common? “NEED!” What will cause a woman to come to a well? Thirst! What will cause a man to come to the dinner table? Hunger! What will cause men and women to go to a doctor? Sickness! What will cause a sinner to come to the Saviour? Sin! Why do so many refuse to come to Christ that they might have life? They have no need! It is not a lack of interest that causes sinners to perish. Any lack of interest in Christ is a lack of “NEED!”

D. Eddmenson

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