Test All Things

All healing of spiritual sickness or natural sickness is of God. The healing of natural sickness is never accomplished without the power of God. Vain are the skills of the most...

Throughout today’s ministering you hear a lot about physical “prosperity” and “wealth” being taught in the pulpits of the congregational settings. There is a lot of deception about what God’s Word...

“He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive of Mine and shall show it unto you.” (John 16:14) The Holy Spirit DOES NOT glorify Himself, nor magnify His gifts, nor inspire...

Many people sing the old hymn “Faith Is the Victory.” We as true believers may wonder how this could be so because we know our faith is all too often weak...

“Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life…” (Genesis 19:19) —————————— The religious...

Kenneth Copeland stands today as one of the Faith Movement’s leading spokesmen. His numerous materials, combined with his crusades and international outreach centres, attest to his vast influence. Copeland is responsible...

It is important to note that the bulk of the theology of the Faith Movement can be traced directly to the cultic teachings of New Thought metaphysics. Thus, much of the...

Occult Healing Builds World’s Largest Church: The Influence Of Paul Yonggi Cho In the course of reading a veritable pile of recent books on a range of charismatic practices including house...

Anyone who is not born again is in the dominion of Satan, and it is possible that an unregenerate person might have an evil spirit. I do not know how we...

 “Naturally, the devil tried to shut down this living, breathing Church. He wanted dry bones. He began to take the freshness of God and put Ecclesiastical dogma on it. He used...

Andrew Wommack says: “You need a healing? You have a tumor? Don’t pray to God about the tumor. Talk to the tumor itself!” But the bible says: James 5:14 Is any...

The ‘Word Faith’ Movement Picture this church. Wouldn’t you like to be part of it? Its meetings draw huge numbers, with reports of conversions and amazing testimonies. Compelling speakers deliver word-perfect...