A Short Study of John 16:7

“It is expedient (profitable) for you that I go away.”
(John 16:7)

We might be tempted to think that those believers that walked and talked physically with the Lord Jesus Christ two thousand years ago had an advantage on us today. According to God’s Word, they did not. To the contrary, the eyes and ears of faith are much more reliable and discerning than those of the flesh. The written word of God is a “more sure word” than His audible voice (2nd Peter 1:19). Though the Lord Jesus Christ was the fulness of the Godhead bodily, He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh. (Colossians 2:9; Romans 8:3). Even the disciples, while beholding the physical form of the God/Man, often lost sight of His glory. The eyes and ears of faith always behold His glory, as the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). There will come a day soon when our faith will be turned to sight and our hope to experience. In that day, our eyes and ears will be part of a sinless, glorified body. We shall see Him as He is and be made like Him. On this side of heaven, the eyes and ears of faith are better than those of the flesh.

G. Elmquist

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