Peace By The Blood of His Cross

Jesus Christ has made peace by the blood of His cross; and if you believe what the God of truth says of it, peace should rule in your heart always; for all things are well ordered for you and sure in the everlasting covenant. On the part of God, all is unalterably fixed and settled! What is it, then, which unsettles you? Is it something you find in yourself? Is it indwelling sin and corruption, or from the weakness of your faith? What? Have you forgotten that from all these the “blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth”? Is it from suspicion that your peace is not right because it varies? This should humble but not discourage you, because there is a gracious provision made to remove your suspicion. God has taken the charge both of you and your peace. He keeps both by His mighty power. As it is written, “The peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phillipians 4:7). You are safe in the hand of God at the lowest ebb, as at the highest springtide of sensible comfort, because your safeguard is Almighty. HE IS EQUALLY CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR PEACE, whether you feel it or not. Your sense of it may vary, but He varies not.

William Romaine

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