Faith Glorifies God

Nothing a soul does in this world honors God more than to believe Him. God says, “For by it (faith) the elders obtained a good report.” Again, “without faith it is impossible to please him.” Our LORD told the woman of Canaan, whose daughter was vexed with a devil, that she had great faith. The other side of the coin, to not believe God concerning the record that He gave of His Son, is to make Him a liar.

What is it to believe God in this world? What is it to trust Him, to commit your eternal souls into His hand? Is it something to take lightly? Is faith something we are to put in a low place in the matter of salvation? The scriptures answer these questions for us. “Abraham was strong in faith giving glory to God.” He did not consider his body, or the deadness of Sara’s womb. He believed God’s promise.

The Word of God says, “We walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham.” The apostle said, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him.”

Oh, my dear brethren, how God honoring it is to believe God, to walk by faith and not by sight. To not dispute with God over the way He saves sinners, through the doing and dieing of His darling Son in the room and stead of His people, of His bearing our sins in His own body on the tree, so that God would be just to justify those who believe in Jesus Christ his beloved Son.

Oh, how it honors God to believe Him and not dispute with Him over His Word, to not argue with Him over His dealings with you in this world, to be able to say; “it is the LORD let him do what seemeth good.”

Faith not only “receives a good report” from our heavenly Father, but also gives a good report of our heavenly Father. We speak as highly and honorably and as gloriously as we can of our covenant God. We attribute the whole of our salvation to Him, from alpha to omega. Faith will not allow us to look to any feeling, any work, or any deed. It has one object — Christ Jesus the LORD.

D. Bell

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