Our Saviour’s Death

The death of Christ our LORD as a fact happened at a point in time. But in the design of God and the effects upon the eternal destinies of men makes it the most wonderful event between the eternities. Even though it happened in time, it has no date at all when seen from its purpose, which is “from before the foundation of the world” the Lord Jesus is “the Lamb slain”. He is the Lamb slain to the close of all things. What took place and what was accomplished by the death of Christ is still taking place, going on, even now.

The water and the blood, which flowed from His wounded side, were soaked up by the earth and are gone, but the effects of the water and the power of His blood are going on now. When we view the death of Christ, of the water and the blood from God’s point of view, it is eternal. It is also eternal for those for whom He was pierced, continually bearing witness to the satisfaction of God and our eternal salvation.

Don Bell

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