“Love…Thinketh No Evil”

“Love…thinketh no evil.”
(1st Corinthians 20:6)

The word “thinketh” is the word generally translated impute or reckon. It means literally that it keeps no records of wrongs done. That is certainly true with regard to the LORD’s love to His elect. There is no record in heaven of the many wrongs they have done! If I keep a record of the wrongs done to me, I am not practicing love! Love keeps no record of wrongs. And what a blessing it would be to keep no record of wrongs! The person who does so is a much happier person!

Love … “Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth”

Love does not rejoice in iniquity, either in self or others. It does not rejoice in others falling and having their sin exposed.

Love rejoices in the Truth. Christ is the Truth and the Truth is that everybody Christ died for has no sin to be exposed. They stand before God without sin! That is the Truth! That is something to rejoice in!

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