Follow His Steps

“For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps.”
(1 Peter 2:21)


We are not like many in religion today who preach Christ merely as an example to follow. The Lord Jesus Christ was and is a great teacher and example, but He was and is more. He is our Lord and our Redeemer — our very life. He did not die a martyr to exemplify His faith and dedication. He died as our Substitute and Surety to put away our sin and establish righteousness for us. He is our sovereign and supreme Savior. We do not, however, forget that He is also our example to follow; for our goal as believers is to be conformed to His image in every way. Let us all who have been called by the Holy Spirit into the King’s domain seek to follow Him in His teachings. Let us strive to obey Him – to love as He loves, to believe as He believes, to walk as He walked. This is not “salvation by works,” but it is faith in Christ that is evidenced by works. Always remember that grace is more than truth believed. It is truth experienced — a way of life!

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